Extreme Couponing – 7/3/20

PAX: AlrightAlright, Sting Ray, Bleep, Slushii, B Cup, Draper
QIC: Oatmeal

AO: Glencoe Park

SSH x 15 IC

Hillbillies x15 IC

Windmill x10 IC


Mosey around park pointing out landmarks along the way.  PAX choice where to start, but object is to circle park carrying coupon stopping at each station to perform the following:

Field bleachers: offset walking merkins x5 DC

Northside sideline to goal post: Block lunges

NW softball field: Merkin groiner curl x10

SW softball field: Step up press x10 DC

Pavilion: Squat box thrusters x10

Repeato circuit when complete…

YHC completely forgot to pray us out.

YHC put this together knowing it would be challenging to the PAX, but as always underestimated the pain involved.  I believe the step ups were the crowd favorite followed by the squat box thrusters!  Fortunately, there were no banged shins today!  PAX were indignant with YHC as I spent a good 10-15 mins of the workout EH’ing a passerby who, for the record, spoke to me first.  As an always accelerating HIM, I could not pass up the opportunity to spread the F3 gospel.  There was a question of whether today’s workout would be 45 minutes or an hour to which YHC offered an hour when the 45 minutes was up.  There were no takers, however I was challenged to take another lap to make up for my EH lollygag.  I asked for volunteers to keep me company and again was rebuffed.  YHC also apologizes for the COT lapse today!