F3 Mental Health Day

PAX: Aaarrrggghhh, AlrightAlright, Ant Man, Chairman Mao, F150, Ina, Myspace, Oatmeal, Princess Turtlehead, Sex Panther, Special Sauce, splash, Spread, Stingray (FNG) Teasip, Thunderlips
QIC: Coach K
AO: Caruth Park

*Due to anonymity concerns, stories/NMM have been removed

PAX were instructed to arrive 5 minutes early this morning, and all were present right on time. F3 Nation dedicated workouts today to raising awareness about men’s mental health, specifically suicide and depression. Given that most suicides are middle-aged men…it’s something we can’t keep ignoring.

Tha Thang:
Dirty Mc-Cuss Word of Choice

Two full suicides: start short for the first one; start long for the second
Burpees x10
Hand-Release Merkins x12
Burpees x10
E2K x12
Burpees x10
Lunges x12
Burpees x10
Plank Jacks x12

Repeato 2 more times
Burpees x9

All in all – we did 129 burpees, one for every person that will kill themselves today.

As with most of YHC’s Q’s, mumblechatter was restricted by the nature of the beast. splash promised us a burpee-free Q next Wednesday. AlrightAlright broke the tension with a penis joke on the “start short finish long” suicides. Him and Special Sauce tried making a truce on the third round of suicides, which fell through pretty quickly. Spread was the only one man enough to embrace the final 9 burpees without whining. Princess Turtlehead reminded the PAX that I warned everybody it wasn’t an ideal workout for a new guy. Disclaimer was given. Some moans and groans throughout as PAX figured out the pattern, but I definitely wouldn’t rank this amongst the worst of my Qs.

We wrapped up with the naming ceremony of our FNG Craig, now Stingray. He’s from Mississippi, owned a copy of “Flaming Lips” as his first CD, and was a journalist in college. Welcome, sir.

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