PAX:Coach K Teasip Chairman Mao Aaarrrggghhh splash Walmart Ina Icebox AlrightAlright
QIC: Spread and YHC
AO: Caruth Park
Spread Gave the disclaimer, letting everyone know that he is in fact a professional. Fortunately no one was injured in the workout and PNC is not liable, sorry Chairman Mao
SSH followed by a few dynamic warmups
Spread took to lead for the first 20.
Mosey to Coffee Park
8 count burpees x 8
2 Full hang pull ups x 4
4 count Irkins, dips x 2
Mosey to benches behind home-plate
8 Dirkins and step ups x 2
Mosey to baseball field
Jacobs ladder with burpees and squats 1/3, 2/2, 3/1.
3 minutes of protractor
YHC took the next 20 for a Pittsburgh themed beatdown. We started at the first intersection with 5 reps of the “P”exercise, then ran to the next intersection and did 5 reps of the “P” and “I” exercise. Continue adding an exercise until we got to the last intersection which was letter “S”
P – Prisoner Merkin Burpees
I – Iron Mikes (alternating jump lunges)
T – Toe Touches
T – TMerkin
S – Slow Squat
Mosey to tennis court to finish off “BURGH”
B – run across bridge to soft top
U – Underhand Irkins x 10
R – Rugby Sit-ups x 10
Back to tennis court
G – Gorilla Hops width of both courts
H – Hand Release Push ups x 10
Repeat “BURGH” x3
QOTY was a tight race, but YHC edged out spread in a split decision. AlrightAlright prayed us out
Fun beatdown today all around. The PAX agreed that having 2 Qs keeps the energy levels high, look for more co-Q beatdowns to come. It’s a great way to get a VQ under your belt! Thank you for those who voted for YHC, as I couldn’t stomach yet another loss to Spread as his sooners beat up on my Dayton Flyers in basketball and WVU mountaineers in football last week.
Holiday Party at @ Icebox on Dec 8 and F3 Holiday Party on Dec 14, location TBD (just not ozonas)