Quality Time with Rump

DATE: 4/19/2019


PAX: Alright Alright, Coach K, Teasip, Sex Panther, Sally, F-150, Oatmeal

QIC: Rump Roast

AO: Burleson Park



20x SSH IC double count

20x Merkins IC single count

15x Cotton Pickers

20x IST’s


Mosey around the park to the tennis courts. Stopping at each “corner” for 5 OYO Burpee’s. Focus on hitting the push-up at the bottom.

Lazy Dora (An estranged and despised relative of Dora 1-2-3)

Partner up

100 Merkins

P1 10x Merkins/P2 hold Plank

200 LBC’s

P1 20x LBC’s/P2 hold 6” Leg Lift

300 Squats

P1 25 Squats/P2 hold Squat position

Bear Crawl the tennis courts in between sets as a team and to finish. (a few got done quick and did some “extra”, I noticed planks, plank jacks, more bear crawling)

Mosey to the soft top – Stayed partnered up in even teams and did the circuit (3 sets).

5x Pull Ups

10x single count Dips

10x single count Erkins

10x single count Swerkins

Moseyed back to the tennis courts for The RUMP –

R – 20x Ranger Merkins

U – 15x each side Up Straddle Hops  

M – 15x Merkins

P – 15x Prisoner Squats (these were going to be prisoner get ups, I omaha’d to save our knees)

We had a few minutes left and the Q was out of work out. We ran back around the park doing 5 burpees at each corner again. It was much harder the second time.


WWII Sit Ups for 120sec


Prayed us out


So for me, today was really my VQ… That last one I really co-Q’d with Teasip and he lead the last 15mins or so. I also had him there to help me out if I needed help. Thanks Teasip for nudging me to get in there. It also really helped for today which I’m STILL feeling like was a solid workout. There’s lots of mumble chatter from someone about 100x Burpee’s vs. running 2mi. before we got started. In my planning I didn’t realize that the park doesn’t have “corners really, more like curves. We’re smart men, we figured it out!  Before Lazy Dora Alright Alight stops and asks “does everyone want their partner” (or something along those lines). We’re all offended he would ask… About ¾ the way in I realize Sex Panther and I are about a whole set behind and that he was trying to clue us in. We made it work!


  1. Q Source at 1130am at Preston Center I believe I heard Taco Dinner.