PAX: Chairman Mao, Coach K, DFib, Double Pane, Gold Digger, Oatmeal, Plus One, Special Sauce
QIC: Alright Alright
Warm-o-rama: The PAX were punished with a #SlaughterStarter (20 burpees out of the gate) because Pepper #fartsacked. We followed that up with a #BataanDeathMarch with the PAX at the back doing our usual Warm-o-rama exercises, 5 Side Straddle Hops then 5 Imperial Storm Troopers on the second time around. We ran to the track and found that both gates were closed, so we continued the march to Bishop Blvd. also known as #FakeTrack.
Tha Thang: Sprint to end of first loop, jog back. Carolina Dry Dock x1 Sprint around first loop and back. Carolina Dry Dock x2 Jog around first loop. Carolina Dry Dock x3 Sprint to end of full loop (by the flag pole) and jog back. Carolina Dry Dock x4 Sprint the full loop. Carolina Dry Dock x5 Jog the first loop. Carolina Dry Dock x6 Sprint the first loop. Carolina Dry Dock x7 Sprint to end of first loop, jog back. Quick mosey back to La Madeleine. Naked Man Moleskin: YHC was quite disappointed about the track being closed, and was going to Omaha to Special Sauce’s Racetrack workout until YHC realized that we had an odd number of people. At that point, YHC told the PAX that we were just going to ____ing run. And run we did. Everyone ran between 4 and 5 miles, so it was a good day. Oatmeal asked which PAX would be the first to sport a long sleeve shirt at a workout when the cold front moves in, and told us all that it wouldn’t be Ina. Safe bet. Rumor has it Ina will be back soon, but he will definitely not be wearing long sleeves. Lots of questions about whether the goal was to break Plus One’s #KTT distance record. It was not, but YHC knew that we would be close. We all needed a run after this week’s stationary IPC. Major #kotters to our IPC Week 0 champion, Coach K. It was great to have him back in the fold. And the possibility of his reappearance was enough to convince Oatmeal to host parking lot coffeteria on a non-Tuesday. All of the PAX stuck around for #coffeteria. #tclaps to DFib and Double Pane for coming out to the toughest cardio test that we have each week in F3 Dallas. Both men have really embraced F3 over the past few weeks and they are quickly moving up the imaginary attendance rankings with strong multi-workout weeks, week in and week out. Lots of OGs at the workout today, with at least 5 of us having been with the group since 2017. Special Sauce, I couldn’t remember when you started, was it 2017?