Stat Pad Sunday!

PAX and QIC: Rump Roast and Sally

AO: Caruth Park
Weather: A little humid but a glorious day with lots of neighborhood UP walkers

– SSH’s x20 IC
– IST’s x20 IC
– Cotton Pickers  x12 IC

Mosey to the Tennis Courts

According to Rump:

Dirty hook-Ups x10 IC

Run DMC’s
x20 Diamond Grip Merkins (then a lap around inside of courts)
x20 Merkins (then a lap around inside of courts)
x20 Carolina Dry Docks (then a lap around inside of courts)
All to the sounds of “My Addidas” and “Kings of Rock”

Suicide (long to short)

Bear-way to Heaven 

According to Sally:

Quick Mary pit-stop:
Low Dolly’s x 20..
Straight into 6-inch hold (~15 seconds)..
Straight into flutters IC x 10 (double-count)

Burpee Suicide

Burpee Dan Run the Gamut style:
Line up on the baseline.
Burpee Dan down to the other end, one lunge before doing a burpee
Burpee Dan back to the other end, two lunges before doing a burpee
Burpee Dan back down, three lunges before doing a burpee
Burpee Dan back to the start, four lunges before doing a burpee

Feelin’ Crabby:
Crab cakes IC x 30
Crab walk down to the other end of the court

Mosey back to the parking lot

Done intra-workout


According to Rump:
Well, Sally and I co-Q’d a work out and we were the only ones there! Haha I immedietly tried to convince him we should just call it a day and head to Bubba’s! He wasn’t having ANY of that…. So I got us rolling with our normal warm-O-rama and a mosey to the tennis courts. I’ve determined that my speaker isn’t loud enough once Sally’s speaker drowned out the chirping birds and Grandpa’s whistling! For a seventh work out in seven days I agree it was just right. Mumble chatter was good stuff. 


According to Sally:
Both Rump and Sally brought a speaker to play rap, and while this was indeed useful/motivational, the large amount of UP walkers/runners made us conscious of our volume level and curse words at 0730 on such a lovely Sunday morning.

We had both planned Bearway to Heaven, so Sally’s Q was modified to the Burpee Dan Gamut. Which was not fun. But at least we started with the one lunge and ended with 4, and not the other way around.

The mumblechatter was pretty solid – when one of us wasn’t counting we recounted stories about a multitude of topics.

Overall a solid start to the morning, set a great tone for the week.

1. Ramping up a ton of workouts and other meetings this week – QSource, Happy Hour on Friday, EC’s for both the Marathon and CSAUP/Ruck.