Friday – February 14, 2020
PAX: Agnes, AlrightAlright, Coach K, Draper, Special Sauce, Sweet Baby
QIC: PowPow
AO: Tietze Park
SSHx20 – ISTx15 – Veggie Pickersx10
Mosey on path that loops around the park to tennis courts
Paint the lines
Mosey back to parking lot to pick up late arrivals coming from the west (due to bad accident on 75)
Burpees x 10 (OH Claps and Squats while the late arrivals catch up on the burpees)
Mosey to tennis courts
Elevens: Mountain Climbers x 10 – 1 / Monkey Humpers x 1 – 10
Burpees x 10
Mosey to benches under pavilion
Dips x 20 and Box Jumps x 15
Mosey east on Vickery
Squats and LBCs
Mosey south on Alderson then east on Llano to YHC’s house
Burpees x 10
Mosey south on Alderson then west on Palo Pinto
Knerkins x 8
Mosey west on Palo Pinto to Oatmeal’s house.
Burpees x 10
Mosey north on Skillman back to basketball court at Tietze
BB Situps x 24
Burpee x 1 (with 2 HR Merkins)
YHC thanked the PAX for joining him on his 41st birthday and expressed his gratitude for the positive influence and acceleration F3 is bringing to his life. Spoke about the mini-tribute to Kobe Bryant – K(nerkins) and B(B Situp) for KB and 8 and 24 reps for Kobe’s jersey numbers. KB’s fearless and relentless pursuit of excellence is an inspiration for YHC.
Coach K and Special Sauce have the misfortune of living west of 75 and had to deal with traffic caused by a bad traffic accident. Thanks for sticking through the traffic and posting anyway gents! Better late than never.
At YHC’s house, his M and dog were out front to greet the PAX mid-workout with a message written in chalk on the sidewalk. The PAX then impressed with great form on burpees in the street. Oatmeal circumsacked, but YHC tried texting him mid-workout to come outside of his house to meet the PAX for some burpees. Unfortunately his phone was off, so we did the burpees in his front yard without him.
Knerkins in the middle of the street was not popular with the PAX working out sans-gloves. Sorry guys, think of it as enhancing your Toughness (Mental)…or would it be Toughness (Physical)? I’m not sure.
Tietze is a good AO except for the fact that it is sort of buried in the middle of the neighborhood, making it a bit inconvenient for those coming from Lake Highlands or west of 75. AlrightAlright counted 15 stop lights coming from his house, apparently.