Bring in the Lefty

Saturday #backblast
F150 Coach K Helmet Teasip Podcast joined YHC for the substitute Q after Special Sauce called in the big lefty due to his college roommates surprising him for a wkd of bar hopping and debauchery. To his credit he did send me a workout for us to do, here it is:

As you can see he can’t spell, I don’t blame him though, he went to school in Ohio so it’s to be expected.

He also didn’t count on us being superior athletes as we completed the workout in 40 minutes, giving me 20 minutes to do every Mary exercise I know and incorporate as much of the coupon as possible.

The important thing is that Coach K and Teasip continued to pick up ground on AlrightAlright who is sure to be out of shape after a week of European eating and drinking.

See y’all this week!


Another Trip to Germany Park

AO: Germany Park

SSH x20
IST x17
Reach backs x12
Merkins x7


Mosey to the tennis court for paint the lines, followed by Del Brown (9 merkins, crab walk across the court, 9 diamond merkins, crab walk back, 9 wide grip merkins). Repeats Del Brown with 9 merkins, 9 hand release and 9 T merkins

Mosey to the warm up/exercise equipment area for partner DORA: 100 pull ups, 200 squats and 300 LBC while partner runs around tennis courts and switch.

Mosey to the track for burpee lap (burpee then broad jump, then burpee around the track until time was up).

PAX: Ant Man, Coach K, Stakeout (F3 San Antonio)
QIC: Teasip

YHC prayed us out

A small crowd this Friday for some great weather. Not sure if everyone knew the burpee lap was coming or a bunch of men just were feeling extra lazy this morning. After the “unround” number of ISTs and a lot of complaining from Coach K, YHC decided to keep the unround number going (tho DORA was sadly overlooked in that regard). A slight Omaha on the tennis court as there was a fence with a narrow opening that separated the two courts, so it took YHC a minute to get the paint the lines right and decided to just do down and back across one tennis court for Del Brown. The PAX was very unhappy about the burpee lap and tried to convince Stakeout to use his War Daddy veto on said exercise, but to no avail. YHC may Omaha that exercise to only do part of the lap or will do it earlier in the workout to ensure a full lap is done (the PAX made it about 200-250 M, which Coach K was quick to point out is the furthest point from the parking lot). Ant Man announced he has a perfect week going, and is planning on posting at F3 Houston to finish the perfect week. Stayed tuned to see if he does. Overall, another great day to workout with these guys and happy to have Stakeout in this morning.

Potential Murph Labor Day led by Sambuca(?)

Discovering a New Land

AO: Caruth Park with a detour to Smith Park
PAX: Special Sauce, Icebox, Aaarrrggghhh, Ant Man, Candy Cane, Minerva (FNG)
QIC: Coach K

SSH x25
IST x20
Cotton Pickers x10
Aaarrrggghhh Special (slow and low side Lunges) x7

Mosey a bit, Bear crawl a bit to other side of Caruth Park

Run to Smith Park (due west a mile away) with elevator BLIMPS stations at each intersection. Starting with 5 burpees at every station and adding a letter

Dirty McUno
Claymakers, Irkens, Overhead Claps

Partner Up. PAX 1 starts running left around the park while PAX 2 runs right. When you meet up, do 20 reps of exercise (partner merkins, wwii sit ups, etc) then finish the lap.

Mosey back to Caruth with a little more bear crawls.

There were concerns about my Q from a couple of PAX when an FNG (now Minerva) rolled up. Apparently we can’t move past the burpee Q. But, to everyone’s surprise, I can be reasonable. Icebox commended me on a tough but fair Q for the new guy. Tried to get a little more running in today since we’ve done zero this week without overdoing it for Katy Trail Thursday.

Ventured over to Smith Park, which is a cute little gem hidden away over by Preston. Might make for a decent Friday Q.

It was great to see Candy Cane back in the gloom along with an FNG. Learned that Candy Cane is responsible for the name Claymakers (fun fact of the day). We originally named the FNG Doomslayer because of his line of work, but Icebox found inspiration in his time in Savanah landing us with Minerva from Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Google it if you don’t understand.

Aaarrrggghhh doesnt think I can remember things from the workout, so get ready for some random ass details:

Icebox and Candy Cane talked about Fly Wheel just before the workout (traitors). Aaarrrggghhh complained about the bridge as soon as I mentioned bear crawling. Icebox, Candy Cane, and Ant Man almost got blasted by the sprinkler once they crossed it.

We saw this nice little mansion with an underground parking area just for them. Special Sauce noted that that’s commonplace up in Pittsburgh.

They’re redoing a lot of the roads back there in HP making for an uncomfortable run. Though there always seemed to be one two foot wide section of smooth pavement near the middle.

On our way west, we noticed a lovely van sitting in the middle of the road. Expecting a kidnapping attempt, Special Sauce and I planned a rouse, but it was unneeded. Who would try to kidnap either of us is beyond me.

I made a joke about doing the Tunnel of Love in the mud on the way back, but that was quickly shot down. Save it for another day…probably use it with my “pass the buck” Q coming up which the PAX can warn you about.

YHC prayed us out and prayed for those who couldn’t make it today be it travel or laziness. Prayed for our man splash and wishing him a happy marriage for him and soon to be Mrs. Splash.

Iron PAX Week 3

AO: Glencoe Park
PAX: F150, splash, Icebox, Aaarrrggghhh, Pepper, Ant Man, Special Sauce, Face (Louisville)
QIC: Teasip and Coach K

Another day, another Iron PAX competition.

SSH x15
IST x15
Cotton Pickers x12

See preblast. It was a workout that existed

1. Special Sauce – 520
2. Teasip – 492
3. Pepper – 482
4. Icebox – 433
5. Face – 414
6. Aaarrrggghhh – 387
7. F150 – 384
8. Ant Man – 365

Teasip got us going with ye ole faithful warm up before moseying to the tennis courts for the third week of the Iron PAX competition.

YHC decided to sit this one out to keep time and make sure everyone knew what was going on. Despite being met with resistance on this and being assured that the PAX knew what was going on, YHC answered questions for several minutes of the workout. Splash called YHC out for being particular cranky this morning, which, to be fair, was accurate.

After an interesting initial song choice, Icebox came through with the solid country workout playlist.

Not too much mumblechatter except for some comments about the toughness of 50 straight hand release merkins. Special Sauce wished good luck to the rest of us doing the workout the rest of the week and mentioned some live streams on band for integrity/accuracy purposes.

Unfortunately there was little time for anyone to catch up with our fellow PAX from Louisville, though we were grateful to have him join us.

Preblast for the week of 08/19/18

If you’re looking for material for your COT, check out the F3 Nation Soundcloud about Overcoming the Jester, and follow @F3QSource on Twitter for more great F3 Leadership.

Here is this week’s schedule. SYITG

5:30-6:15 | Mutt Ruck Monday, Flag Pole Hill (Second Parking Area) | Q: Ant Man

5:30-6:15 | Bootcamp Workout (Iron PAX Challenge), Glencoe Park AO (Eastside playground) | Q: Coach K

5:45-6:30 | Bootcamp Workout, Caruth Park AO (Parking lot) | Q: TBA

5:30-6:15 | Running Workout W/ Pain Stations, Katy Trail AO (La Madeline) | Q: Pepper

5:30-6:15 | Bootcamp Workout,  Williams Park (Parking Lot) | Q: TBA

7:00-8:00| Bootcamp Workout | Burleson Park AO (Park on Southside) | Q: Special Sauce

1. We don’t cancel for cold, wind, or rain. If possible, we defy the forecast (#Cantore) & POST!
2. We don’t mess with lightning. Lightning will kill you. If there’s lightning, we will cancel or ENDEX.
3. Check Twitter for updates before the workout.

F3 Dallas BALBOA

AO: Burleson Park


Mosey to Dallas Hall

Partner up, P1 jumps rope, P2 does 25 of each exercise (switch after each exercise)
Plank jack

Partner up, P1 runs around flag pole, P2 gets cracking on these:
Burpees (50)
Arm Circles (100 forward and backward)
Leg Raises (150)
Big boy sit ups (200)
mOuntain climbers (250, each legs is one)
American Hammers (300, each sides is one)

Partner up, P1 jumps rope, P2 does 25 of each exercise (switch after each exercise)
Plank jack


PAX: F150, Boomer, Eruzione, Pepper, Special Sauce, Coach K, Chairman Mao, Walmart
QIC: Icebox


Pepper made a dramatic appearance after I had set some serious odds of -300 of him not showing up at 6:59, someone should’ve taken the other side of that.

Walmart joined us from Colorado Springs where he answered the same questions from each of the PAX as they gathered this AM, he showed a lot of patience for us and our lack of listening skills

We were all glad to pick up a workout on AlrightAlright who is sure to come back from Europe a bit heavier and slower so it’s important for the rest of us to pick up the slack.

Chairman Mao played the part of Mickey as he was sniped on the first leg of the BALBOA and had to retire from the rest of the workout. The rest of the PAX rallied like Apollo and Duke to Rocky’s aid to make sure the rest of the beatdown was a success.

When we got back to the park BOOMER was welcomed by University Park PD, apparently someone called the cops because the bag I used to transport the jump ropes looked suspicious next to the shovel flag when unattended for 50 minutes.

Oo-De-Lally joined us at Bubba’s after his shift and was a pleasant addition to the crew and Chairman Mao came back to life to order his special and tell tales of life on the other side. Special Sauce did not join us because 3.5 miles in a beatdown is just a warmup.


1. Iron PAX
2. Memphis GROWRuck, Sept 21-23

End the Summer MUSTANG


SSH x10
IST x10

Run to top, 20 merkins, run to bottom, 20 LBCs
Repeato on the two sets of stairs
Repeato the cycle with 19, then repeato the cycle with 18

This was done as a group with the PAX completing BLIMPS while waiting on the six.

We made it through the first round of 17s

188 merkins
188 LBCs
3.9 miles


PAX: Chairman Mao, F150, Pepper, Teasip
QIC: AlrightAlright

YHC prayed us out asking God for the motivation to EH more men. Men of Dallas need F3. Introduce them to it.

Some complaints about not warming up the full body, YHC’s response was that the whole body is engaged in both of those exercises, and that the following mosey would be sufficient.
Mosey to parking deck.

-Lots of complaining at the beginning of this workout.
-Most of the PAX were sucking wind too much to complain after we got started.
-This is always a phenomenal beatdown, and completing it as a group keeps everyone at their red line throughout the workout.
-It was quite warm in the parking deck. Especially on the bottom floor.
-Pretty disappointing that so many people skipped this one. If you were afraid of the difficulty then shame on you. Embrace the suck men. These five guys all got better today by testing our limits.


Splashs famous BB

AO: Caruth Park

All good quality names. How do you tell? You just think about addressing the M as mrs “so and so”. I thought oatmeal was kind of lame but I like the sound of mrs oatmeal. Really like mrs icebox and mrs special sauce…these really pass the good naming test. Please keep this in mind as we try to raise our naming game.

Besides that we burned a bunch of calories and proved that I’m faster than A2 over short distances.

You should have been there. Pretty sure we all got laid that morning when we got home. Just saying.

PAX: F150, Icebox, Oatmeal, Princess Turtlehead
QIC: Splash

A Bunch of coupons and a Gazebo

AO: Williams Park

SSH x12
Windmills x12

Mosey to gazebo with coupon

Exercises done OYO
100 Squats
90 LCBs
80 Dips
Run a lap and Flutter kick till All In

70 Claymakers
60 Freddie Mercury
50 Merkins
Run a lap and AL Prom Date till All In

40 Jump Squats
30 Big Boy Sit Ups
20 Derkins
10 Man Makers
Run a lap and Hello Dolly till All In

Rinse and Repeat till time (make it through 1 1/3)

In Tha Thang

PAX: Ant Man, Coach K, Teasip, Oatmeal
QIC: F150