Walmart sounds the ALARMs for low prices

DATE: 8/20/2019

TEMP: 78

WEATHER: 82% humidity. Clear skies.


PAX: Eruzione, Walmart

QIC: Walmart

AO: Liberty Park

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave welcome and disclaimer.


-Don Quixote x12 IC

-Cipperhead Squats x12 IC

-Merkin ×12 IC

-SSH ×25 IC

-Arm Circles (both directions) ×25 IC



Wrecker: PAX split into teams of one. Team 1 does exercise while team 2 crosses tennis court to team 1. Flip.

-Lt Dan // Overhead Press

-Burpee broad jump // Carolina Dry Docks

-Alligator Merkins // Freddie Mercury

-Bear Crawl // Monkey Humper

-Crawl Bear // Flutter Kick

Paint the lines.

Mosey to the playground.

ALARMs: PAX do 10 reps of each of the following exercises.



-Box jumps on bench

-WWI Situps

-Run (1 lap around playground)



-Carolina Dry Docks


-Flutter kicks (double count)




-Shoulder taps (10 on each shoulder)

-Gorilla Squat

-Freddie Mercury (double count)



Mosey to the tennis courts for suicides.

One person SSH while the other runs suicides across one court and back. Switch. Repeato, but with overhead claps.


-LBC x25 OYO

-Freddie Mercury x25 double count OYO

-Leg Raise x12 OYO

-American Hammer x25 OYO (double count)

-High plank 1 minute

-Low plank 1 minute


MOLESKIN: Some mumblechatter about school starting and sports.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to respond to Boomer’s poll regarding a change to our Second F Family Day.

Mookie the Navigator

DATE: 8/12/2019

TEMP: 79

WEATHER: Clear, but with 82% humidity.



PAX: Mookie, Strangler, and Boomer.

QIC: Walmart


AO:Oak Point Park


WELCOME/DISCLAIMER:Q neglected to give the welcome and disclaimer. Luckily, no injuries on this run.


WARM-O-RAMA:OYO stretching for 5 minutes.


THE THANG:4 mile run around the nature trails at Oak Point Park.


CIRCLE OF TRUST:PAX brought up a friend of Mookie’s named Mark who is struggling with cancer. Prayers for Mark and his family. PAX prayed for Mark and for the start of a new school year. Prayers for Boomer as he and Mrs. Boomer figure out life with their new baby.

MOLESKIN: Good Mumblechatter this morning. Walmart talked about his trip last week to Northwest Arkansas, and about his fear of ending up on a true crime podcast he had been listening to. Mookie was instrumental in providing directions for the PAX. Q is directionally challenged, which is especially bad considering today was Q’s first time at Oak Point Park.


ANNOUNCEMENTS: Second F family day on August 25. Be sure to give Boomer money for supplies. PAX also mentioned doing another Second F event soon with just F3 brothers.

Legs Feed the Wolf

Date: 8/1/19

AO: Liberty Park in Plano, TX

Conditions: Hot N’ Humid

PAX: Walmart, Boomer, Eruzione, Rabbit, QIC: The (Scranton) Stranger

Mosey around the campus
Good Mornings
10 Imperials IC
10 Squats
11 Baby Arm Circles IC
11 Reverse Baby Arm Circles IC
11 Overhead Presses IC
100 SSH IC

(with it being Coolio’s Birthday, the playlist started out with a little Gangsta’s Paradise, then rolled through some Kanye and ended with Chance)

The Thang
1) Wind sprints – With a total of 4 tennis courts, we sprinted across three and walked one. At the end of each sprint we did 10 hand release push ups and subtracted one all the way down to 0 after each run. (First sprint 10, second sprint 9, third sprint 8….)

2) Bear Crawl 11’s – Bear crawl down then crawl bear back in between each set with Split leg jumps on one end and squats on the other. Therefore, we bear crawled across one tennis court and did 20 split leg jumps (10 each leg) then crawl bear’d back to do 1 squat and worked our way through.

Lunged the entire length of all 4 tennis courts
20 Flutter kicks IC
20 High plank ankle touches with each ankle counting for 1
20 Hand release merkins

Circle of Trust, Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama:

Announcements: looking to do 2 – 2nd F events in August. One being a family friendly event, potentially grilling out at a park (More info to come). The other being a guy’s hangout/happy hour at a brewery, maybe Tupps brewery in McKinney? Taking suggestions. Also, Rabbit is taking dinner and gift cards over to his friends house whose child, Caleb, had a major back surgery (they had to split his entire back open). Venmo Rabbit if you feel called to give: venmo @nathan-newsome or 469-332-6429 or just give him some cash money.

Mumblechatter was light as the humidity did a number on us but on a legs focused day, Boomer let it be known that The Legs Feed the Wolf.

Prayer requests: we lifted up Caleb after his back surgery and for the long recovery ahead of him. Also, Rabbit’s friend Corey’s father who is on hospice and could go at any moment, such a hard time for the family but also a celebration of life as they bond together through this difficult time. We also prayed for Boomer’s friend, Zach, whose dad had chest pains and is in the hospital, I am sure there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty as this came unexpectedly. In addition, I’d like to lift up my Grandmother who is in hospice with a failing heart, not sure when she is getting the call, but her heart and soul are ready.

Writing this backblast, it reminded me of when F3 Nation lost our brother Dark Visor (from F3 Alpha), their message from that event was clear: “We don’t know when we will be called home. Live life like you are dying since we all are. Make your peace with your creator. My bags are packed.” With that being said, as we grow together as Men who need a savior, my prayer is that we help equip each other not only to take on the day and grow in our faith but also to enjoy every moment we have together as brothers. My bags are packed, are yours?

Pleasure to serve,
Taylor Brasher – Strangler

Tennis Court Baseball

DATE: 7/30/2019.

TEMP: 76.

WEATHER: Cloudy and cool.



PAX: Rabbit, Boomer, and Eruzione.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Liberty Park.


WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q is not a professional. PAX are at the workout voluntarily. PAX should modify as needed to avoid getting hurt.



SSH x25 IC
IW x 15 IC
J Lo’s x 15 IC
Cotton Pickers x 15 IC
Morroccon Night Clubs x 50 IC

Native American Run for 1 mile (4 laps around the track).


Mosey to the tennis courts for Baseball. Q chose a court and designated each corner as a base. PAX split into pairs. Do 80 reps per pair at each base. Partner carry along the long side of the court. Bear Crawl along the short side of the court. The team with the most complete laps around the bases wins bragging rights. PAX tied at two runs.

1st Base: Frog Jumps

2nd Base: Hand Release Merkins

3rd Base: Freddie Mercury (double count)

Home: LBCs


Q went around the circle, letting each PAX pick an ab exercise.

American Hammer x20 IC

Flutter Kick x20 IC

Rosalita x15 IC

Leg Raise x11 IC


MOLESKIN: Almost no mumblechatter this morning. Q takes this as a compliment, as PAX were (hopefully) working too hard to spare breath.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rabbit reminded everyone of the plan to provide Caleb’s family with dinner. Caleb recently underwent intense back surgery, and is currently in recovery. Rabbit will post his Venmo or other method of giving him money to fund dinner. Any leftover proceeds will be given to the family. Q announced the job offer he received and accepted last week.

Saturday Morning Doracides

DATE: 7/13/2019.

TEMP: 73.

WEATHER: partly cloudy.


PAX: Mookie, Rabbit, and Walmart.

QIC: Walmart.

AO: Liberty Park.

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave disclaimer. Q is not a professional. PAX are here of their own volition, doing each exercise voluntarily. Modify as necessary. You against you, but don’t hurt yourself.


  • SSH x25 IC
  • IW x25 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x25 IC
  • J Lo’s x15 IC
  • Absolution x20 OYO

Mosey to the tennis courts for paint the lines.


PARTNER DORACIDES: for Doracides, PAX normally split into partners. One partner does the exercises while the other runs suicides. Q modified the Doracides with burpees for added fun. Q had PAX run suicides across one tennis court, doing a burpee at each line before running back to the start. Once PAX made it to the opposite side of the tennis court, PAX would run straight back to the start doing a burpee at each line. Since there were 3 PAX today, Q had PAX do 3-person Doracides.

  • 200 lunges (single count).
  • 300 Merkins.
  • 400 Squats.
  • 500 Overhead claps.


  • Freddie Mercuries x25 IC.
  • WWI Situps x25 CC.
  • Flutterkicks x15IC.
  • Uptown Crunch x15 CC, both sides.


MOLESKIN: PAX were winded during the Doracides, but otherwise had good Mumblechatter. Attempted EH of other men working out at the park.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: PAX proposed rescheduling Second F for a Friday this month. PAX also discussed the push to have 10 men attend the next Saturday workout (July 20). EHing will be needed to get all current members of the F3 Plano groupchat to attend, as well as FNG’s.

An Absolutely Terrible Picnic

DATE: 7/2/2019
TEMP: 75.
WEATHER: partly cloudy. Very breezy and cool.

PAX: BOOMER, Mookie, and Walmart.
QIC: Walmart.

AO: Liberty Park.

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q is not a professional. PAX were there of their own volition, voluntarily doing each exercise. PAX should modify as necessary. Q also disclaimed that he would be cutting the exercise a few minutes short.

•SSH x30 IC
•IW x 10 IC
•Moroccan Night Clubs x50 IC
•Merkins x25 CC
•Pickle Pounders x15 IC
•Absolution x10 IC

Batan Death March around the track–3 burpees at the back of the line.

Church Picnic: PAX are supposed to do the following in pairs, but Q modified since there were 3 PAX at the workout.
•Leap frog to cone (3 tennis courts long), wheelbarrow back, then 5 Absolutions each.
•Repeato x3

•LBC’s x20 IC
•J-Lo’s x15 IC (each leg)
•WWI Sit Ups x15 CC
•American Hammer x20 IC
•Penguin Crunches x20 IC

MOLESKIN: not much mumblechatter. PAX were too busy sucking wind.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: we’ll be rescheduling the abandoned Second F event planned for 7/6. Will pick a date following the 4th. BOOMER will be Qing an Independence Day workout at 7A.M.


AO: Liberty Park in Plano, TX

Conditions: Next time – bring your bugspray….

PAX: Eruzione, Walmart, Mookie, QIC: The (Scranton) Stranger

Quick Mosey
10 Good mornings
10 Imperials
10 Hillbillies
10 Baby Arm Circles – 10 Reverse
10 Overhead Presses
100 SSH’s

The Thang
Workstation 1) 10 – 100 Yard Sprints with 10 Merkins after each run (totaled 1,000 yards of sprinting and 100 Merkins)

Workstation 2) Walking lunges – for a full lap around the track. Which Mookie commented that the Vines High School track is actually longer than .25 of a mile.

Good mornings OYO

Circle of Trust, Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama:
I believe this was the first time we all met in the same spot…. a lot of progress there.

Prayer requests: General prayer for the overall safety and well being of everyone’s children.

Pleasure to serve,


Date: 6/11/19

AO: Liberty Park in Plano, TX

Conditions: Cool breeze in the air

PAX: Eruzione, Hopper, QIC: The (Scranton) Stranger

Quick Mosey
10 Good mornings
10 Baby Arm Circles
10 Opposite Baby Arm Circles
10 Overhead Presses
20 Walking Toe Touches
50 SSH

The Thang
Workstation 1) Mile run, after every lap around the track complete 20 Merkins, 30 Squats, 40 LBC’s

Workstation 2) Football field – Alternating side squat to the 10, lunge to the 20, bear crawl to the 30, crab walk to the 40 then sprint to the endzone
– Rinse and repeat
Workstation 3) Start with a plank circuit in the enzone then bear crawl to the 10, crawl bear to the 20, crab walk to the 30, opposite hand/opposite foot hop to the 40, reverse hand and foot to the 50, sprint to the endzone.

– Quick 20 merkins/50 mountain climbers
– Rinse and repeat Workstation 3 – except lunge the final 50 yards.

1 Cool down lap around the track followed by some Good mornings

Circle of Trust, Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama:
The day began in confusion of where to meet (my bad) but on the final lap of Workstation 1 Eruzione and myself were pleasantly surprised to be joined by none other than Hopper (who has been on a 1-year sabbatical). Glad to have you back in the mix Hopper!

Prayer requests: General prayer for overall safety and well being for everyone’s children. Also, lifted up the F3 babies (Baby Boomer, and Thunderlips’ newborn).

Honored to serve,

Launch of the Liberty AO (Tank Park/Parked Tank)

Date: 6/4/19

AO: Liberty Park

Conditions: YHC called it the dead of summer, the other PAX said it was early spring.

PAX: Boomer, Eruzione, Mizzourah, FNG: Ledger, QIC: The (Scranton) Strangler

Quick Mosey
10 Good mornings
10 Imperial Storm Troopers
10 Burpees – on your own
35 SSH

The Thang
Workstation 1) Merkin Flowers by Moby – while “Flowers” by Moby (made famous by Gone in 60 Seconds) played, anytime they sang “green sally up” you go up on your merkin and hold then when they sing “green sally down” go down on your merkin and hold your chest off the ground. Played through to the end of the song. Amounts to thirty pause reps in 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

Squat Flowers by Moby – same rules as above except with squats. So, we spent the first part of the morning in the low squat and low merkin holds.

On this Day:
On this day (June 4th) in 1984, Bruce Springsteen released his album Born in the U.S.A. – therefore our background noise was the album, Born in the U.S.A.

Workstation 2) 11’s – Squats and WWI’s – started with 10 squats and 1 WWI on opposite ends of the parking lot.

Workstation 3)
-Plank Circuit (30 seconds each way)
-Reverse pyramid Merkin 10/9/8/6/4/2
-Moseyed over to the picnic tables for 3 sets of 15 dips
-We ended with 10-minute walking lunges by the tank in honor of the 75th anniversary of D-Day which is this Thursday June 6th.

Circle of Trust, Count-o-Rama, Name-o-Rama:
Prayer requests: Boomer and FNG “Ledger” both expecting babies soon (first baby for both of them too). Ledger’s grandfather is in the hospital, so we want to keep he and his family covered in prayers.

Honored to serve,

Preblast for week of 6/3/18

If you’re looking for material for your COT, check out three weeks ago F3 Weekly Round Table on Soundcloud – Dredd talks F3Nation Q Source; and follow @F3QSource on twitter.

Here is this week’s schedule. SYITG

Bootcamp Workout, Glencoe Park AO (Eastside playground)
5:30-6:15 AM
QIC: F150

Bootcamp Workout, Liberty Park AO (Liberty Park)
5:30-6:15 AM

Bootcamp Workout, Caruth Park AO (Parking lot)
5:45-6:30 AM
QIC: Pepper

Running Workout W/ Pain Stations, Katy Trail AO (La Madeline)
5:30-6:15 AM
QIC: Oo-De-Lally

Bootcamp Workout, Liberty Park AO (Liberty Park)
5:30-6:15 AM

Bootcamp Workout, TBA by Wednesday Night
5:30-6:15 AM
QIC: AlrightAlright

Bootcamp Workout, Burleson Park AO (Park on Southside)
7:00-8:00 AM
QIC: Shake Weight

Bootcamp Workout, Liberty Park AO (Liberty Park)
8:00-9:00 AM

1. We don’t cancel for cold, wind, or rain. If possible, we defy the forecast (#Cantore) & POST!
2. We don’t mess with lightning. Lightning will kill you. If there’s lightning, we will cancel or ENDEX.
3. Check Twitter for updates before the workout.

1. 2ndF Happy Hour June 8th – Pepper is the Q
2. 3rd F Second Saturday, June 9 Chairman Mao is your Q for this event. Talk to him for details
3. 2nd F Charity Concert for First Tee of Dallas – Josh Abbott and Wade Bowen June 7th – talk to Aaarrrggghhh about tickets
4. GrowRuck Memphis Sept 21-23