Rice Rice Baby

DATE: 1/19/20.

TEMP: 56.

WEATHER: Sunny and cool.



PAX: Walmart, Maverick, Eruzione, Silicon, Boomer.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Rice Middle School.





-IW x15 IC

-Windmills x15 IC

-SSH x101 IC

-Arm Circles Forward x15 IC

-Arm Circles Backward x15 IC

-Moroccan Nightclubs x15 IC



Native American Run around the school.

Burpees x10 OYO

Black Snake around the school.

Burpees x10 OYO

Batan Death March around the school. Just like a Native American Run, but drop and do 2 burpees at the back of the line before running to the front.

Burpees x10 OYO

Honeymoon Night:

-Pickle Pounder x15 OYO

-Wall walk

-Sky Pickles x15 OYO

-Repeato once.


Mosey back to the parking lot.


AYG back to the Honeymoon Night wall to retrieve Q’s phone, then back to the parking lot.


Mosey to the tennis courts.


7 of Diamonds: PAX do the following at each corner of one tennis court. Bear crawl between corners.

-Burpees x7
-Flutter Kicks x14 (4 count)
-Merkins x21
-Squats x28
-Carolina Dry Dock x21
-Freddie Mercury x14 (4 count)
-Burpees x7


-Flutterkick x20 IC

-Freddie Mercury x20 IC

-LBC x20 IC

-Box Cutter x20 IC

-WWI Situp x20 OC

-Uptown Crunch x10 each side OYO

-Rosalita x21 IC

-Oblique Crunch x15 each side OYO

-Crunchy Frog x20 IC

CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q prayed out.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Flower Mound is doing a CSAUP on February 1 from 2AM to 7:30AM. PAX will ruck between Flower Mound’s 6 AOs and do a mini Q at each. CSAUP will conclude with an hour-long workout from 6:30-7:30. Starts at Lewisville High School and will end at Marcus High School.

Walls of Rice Middle School

PAX: Mookie, Silicon, Rabbit, Eruzione
QIC: Maverick

AO: Test AO: Rice Middle School




20 Imperial Squat Walkers IC

20 Don Quiotes IC

20 Picking Cotton Through the Tunnel IC

Walls of Jericho around Rice Middle School 

7 laps, 7 Excercises, 7 reps each

Mountain Climbers (double count)

Worst Merkin Ever

Peter Parkers

Bonnie Blairs


Imperial Squat Walker

Plank until every pax has completed the round.

We ran out of time and only completed 6 full rounds. 

No time

Counted off. Closed out in a prayer.

A lot of talk about Python; both the language and the snake. Talked about driving distance for the current pax and the new AO. Silicon had the Coffeteria Q at Rusty Taco.

1. January 25th will be the official F3 Plano Relaunch with PAX from Dallas. Start EHing some FNGs and bringing them to all the beatdowns. Location TBD. We’d like to get feedback on this new AO or one nearby.

Bye Bye 2019

DATE: 12/31/2019

TEMP: 31.

WEATHER: Clear skies.



PAX: Walmart, Mookie, Maverick, and Boomer.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Liberty Park.





-SSH x50 IC

-IW x15 IC

-Overhead Claps x20 IC

-Forward Arm Circles x20 IC

-Backward Arm Circles x19 IC



Mosey to the tennis courts for Four Corners. Each corner of one tennis court is a Pain Station. PAX alternate between Merkins and Carolina Dry Docks at each station. PAX start with 2 reps of Merkins, then 4 of Carolina Dry Docks, then 6 of Merkins, etc. Bear Crawl between each station. Once PAX get to 20 reps, they do 20 reps again, then start counting back down. 220 reps total.

Alternating Shoulder Touches x20 IC.

Overhead Claps x50 IC.



-LBC x20 IC

-Leg Lifts x20 IC

-Flutter Kicks (double count) x20 IC


CIRCLE OF TRUST: prayer requests shared.

MOLESKIN: PAX speculated that loud grunting would help them get through Four Corners. Maverick worried that his flying ability would be impaired due to his arms being noodly from the exercise. PAX shared about how Christmas went at their households.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Relaunch on January 25. Will continue working in the new AO, Fowler Middle School, at some Saturday workouts.

All I Want For Christmas Are Some Dirty McDeuces

DATE: 12/24/2019

TEMP: 40

WEATHER: no wind, clear.



PAX: Rabbit, Walmart.

QIC: Walmart.


AO: Liberty Park.





-Cotton Picker x15 IC

-Overhead Claps x15 IC

-Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x15 IC

-Little Baby Arm Circles Backward x15 IC

-IW x15 IC





Mosey to the playground.

Dirty McDeuces: follow each set with a lap around the playground.

-Pullups x24 OYO, LBC x24 OYO, Squat x24 OYO.

-Carolina Dry Docks x24 OYO, LBC x24 OYO, Squat x24 OYO.

-Irkins x12 IC, LBC x24 IC, Step Ups x12 IC.

-Swerkins x12 IC, LBC x12 IC, Squats x12 IC.


Mosey to the tennis courts.

Four Corners: each corner of one tennis court is a Pain Station. Bear Crawl on long stretches between Stations. Lunge on short stretches between Stations. Workout OYO.

-Corner 1: T Merkins x12.

-Corner 2: Frog Jumps x14.

-Corner 3: American Hammer x16 IC.

-Corner 4: Burpees x18.



-Flutter Kicks x15 IC.

-WWI Situp x15 OC.

-Box Cutters x24 IC.


CIRCLE OF TRUST: PAX shared their Christmas plans and excitement for the holidays. Q prayed out.

MOLESKIN: Rabbit shared about his vacation to Iceland to see the Northern Lights, making Q very jealous.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to send money to F150 for the website. Vote in the F3 Plano Relaunch in the poll on Band. Send Q an email so that you can get set up with login credentials for the website to post Backblasts.

Let’s Go Right…No Wait, it’s Left…Which Pond Are We Going to Again?

DATE: 12/16/2019

TEMP: 39



PAX: Rabbit, Maverick, and Walmart.

QIC: Walmart.

AO: Oak Point Nature Preserve.


WARM-O-RAMA: OYO stretching for 1 minute.

THE THANG: 4 mile run through the Oak Point trails. PAX ran a typical Monday Runday route. Q was set on doing a loop around a pond, but couldn’t remember which trail to take at the first fork to get there. As it turns out, Q couldn’t lose, because either direction would have taken PAX to a pond. PAX kept the pace at a an 8:32 mile.

MARY: None.

CIRCLE OF TRUST: PAX shared struggles with family traveling for the upcoming holidays, and hard work conversations that would be happening soon. PAX prayed for these, and for the men who couldn’t be in the Gloom.

MOLESKIN: Lots of Mumblechatter at the start, but it dropped off around 2.5 miles as the Q started sucking wind. PAX talked about the races that DFW PAX had taken part in on Sunday. All agreed that we hoped to see Strangler, Boomer, and Silicon now that they had finished their races.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 Texas is looking at having a Grow Ruck in the fall of 2020. Details are pending, but Q will circulate a sign-up sheet once the date and location are settled so that we can start EH-ing. It’s never too early to try to get FNGs on board.

Chutes and Ladders

DATE: 11/9/2019
TEMP: 36
WEATHER: Perfectly cool and sunny.

PAX: Eruzione, Maverick, Spackler, JK2, Walmart
QIC: Walmart

AO: Liberty Park

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave welcome and disclaimer.

-IW x10 IC
-SSH x25 IC
-Overhead Claps x15 IC
-Moroccan Nightclub x15 IC
-Forward Arm Circle x15 IC
-Backward Arm Circle x15 IC
-Bone the Fish across the parking lot.


Mosey to track.

Burpee mile: PAX do 4 laps around the track, stopping to do 10 burpees after each lap (40 burpees total).

Mosey to playground.

Jacob’s ladders:
-Ladder 1: Swerkins and pullups. PAX do 4 Swerkins, then run to the monkey bars for 1 pull-up. Then 3 Swerkins and 2 pull-ups, 2 Swerkins and 3 pull-ups, etc. One lap around the playground after finishing, then repeat the ladder and lap.

-Ladder 2: Irkins and dips. PAX do 4 Irkins on the curb, then bear crawl to the picnic tables for 1 dip. Then 3 Irkins and 2 dips, 2 Irkins and 3 dips, etc. One lap around the playground after finishing, then repeat the ladder and lap.

Mosey to the tennis courts.

Doracides: PAX split into a group of 2 and a group of 3. PAX in the group of 2 had one PAX run a suicide while another did Monkey Humpers. Once the first PAX finished the suicide, they alternated. Group of 2 did 150 Monkey Humpers, while the group of 3 did 225.

Mosey to parking lot.

-LBC x15 IC
-Uptown Crunch right over left x10 IC
-Uptown Crunch left over right x10 IC
-Box Cutters x15 IC
-Leg Raises X10 OC
-Freddie Mercury x10 IC

CIRCLE OF TRUST: Q prayed for the PAX and F3.

MOLESKIN: PAX got to know Spackler and JK2 visiting from North Carolina. PAX also discussed ways to increase attendance by reaching out to FNGs via the Next Door app and awkward in-person encounters.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nd F looks set for Nov. 22. Check out Maverick‘s post about possible activities, which include Pinstack, Top Golf, or Main Event. Speak now to weigh in on what we should do.

Preblast and Information Guide – Panzerschwein CSAUP – 23:59 11/1/2019

On Friday, November 1st, at 23:59 (11:59pm), men from all over Dallas/Fort Worth will participate in a marathon of a mental and physical challenge. The event begins at Flag Pole Hill in Lake Highlands and includes fifteen miles of rucking (carrying 30 pounds), in addition to several physical challenges, over 7 hours through the night. We will conclude with an hour-long bootcamp workout from 0700 to 0800 at Burleson Park by SMU.
The event is FREE and open to ALL MEN.
The event, nicknamed “Panzerschwein” (German – “armadillo,” or “Armored Pig”), is being led by F3 DFW, a free men’s workout and leadership group, whose mission is “to plant, serve, and grow small workout groups for the reinvigoration of male community leadership.”
F3 DFW meets six days a week at several locations around The Metroplex for free, early-morning, boot-camp and running-style workouts. You can find out more information at f3dfw.com, f3nation.com, or reach us on Twitter @F3_Dallas
We jokingly call this event a “CSAUP”, an acronym for “Completely Stupid and Utterly Pointless,” but completing Panzerschwein has many benefits, including adding to each man’s physical and mental toughness.
An overview of the route is available here.
Rucksack/backpack/weight vest
Weight (20 lbs if you weigh <150 lbs, 30 lbs if you weigh > 150 lbs).
Water (2L+)
Personal Identification
Nalgene (1L) with electrolytes/Gatorade, etc.
Reflective Band/clip on outside of pack
Other reflective apparel (t-shirt, hat)
Dry Bag
Food (bars, gels)
Extra shirt/socks

Some Laboring on Labor Day

PAX: Alright Alright, Boomer, Chariman Mao, Coach K, F150, Island Time, Maverick, Mookie, Princess Turtlehead, Rabbit, Rump Roast, Sally, Wal Mart
QIC: Teasip

AO: Churchill Park

SSH x15, IST x15, Daisy Pickers x 12

Mosey to the field for Jacob’s Ladder with decreasing Bonnie Blairs (6) to 1 and increasing Squats (1) to 6. 

Mosey over to the tennis courts for Paint the Lines, then Bearway to Heaven.

Finish up the first half of the workout with a Burpee Mile. Do a big lap around the park, stopping to do 12 Burpees at each corner.

Alright Alright then took over for YHC and we did DORA. Partner 1 started on the exercises (WW1 Sit ups x100, LBCs x200, Flutter kicks x300), while Partner 2 ran uphill to the pedestrian sign and came back down to relieve Partner 1.

Next was a bear hunt around the outfield of the softball field. Partner 1 started Bear Crawling, while Partner 2 did 5 Burpees then ran to catch Partner 1. Flapjack when he caught Partner 1 and repeato down and back across the outfield

Done with DORA

Great having F3 Plano and F3 Dallas converge for the Labor Day workout.

YHC is slacking in the quick turnaround for the backblasts so YHC doesn’t remember much of what happened. I think Rump got upset again, which is always helpful towards knowing it was indeed a beatdown.


Ring Around the Lake…or Pond…or Whatever.

DATE: 8/26/2019

TEMP: 80

WEATHER: 81% humidity. Clear skies.


PAX: Mookie, Rabbit, Maverick, Elder Fabio, and Walmart.

QIC: Walmart

AO: Oak Point Park.

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave welcome and disclaimer.


-OYO stretching.

-SSH x 50 IC (1/2 of the Strangler Special)

-IW x 12 IC

THE THANG: PAX ran around Oak Point Park for 40 minutes. PAX had varying paces, but averaged around 4 miles.

MARY: no MARY due to time.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sunday, September 15, is the day of our Second F Family Day. It’s going to be a blast, so be there!

Walmart brings the rollback

DATE: 8/22/2019

TEMP: 77

WEATHER: 74% humidity. Clear skies.


PAX:  Eruzione,  Boomer, Mookie, and Walmart

QIC: Walmart

AO: Liberty Park

WELCOME/DISCLAIMER: Q gave welcome and disclaimer.


-Abe Vigoda x 12 IC

-SSH x 25 IC

-IW x 12 IC

-Bone the Fish across the parking lot.

Mosey to the track. One lap around the track.


ROLLBACK: each letter is an exercise. PAX did 10 reps of each exercise. PAX start with R, then run one lap around the track. Then R and O, one lap around the track. Then R, O, and L, etc. PAX today only had enough time to make it through C, so they were spared the torture of Kraken Burpees.

-R = Reverse Crunch

-O = Outlaws – 10 circles to the right, 10 to the left.

-L = LBC

-L = Luge

-B = Burpees

-A = American hammer (double count)

-C = Crab Jacks

-K = Kraken Burpees

MARY: no MARY due to time.


MOLESKIN: Lots of mumblechatter today about sports, the measurements of our track, and Mookie’s recent baseball game experience with his Shortie. Thankfully, Mookie did not claim deity when given the opportunity.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Be sure to respond to Boomer’s poll regarding a change to our Second F Family Day if you haven’t already. Currently, it looks like Sunday, September 15, will be the day unless anyone changes votes. It will be an awesome time of Fellowship with M’s and Shorties.